Pep Rallies
White Oak Middle School students will attend High School Pep Rallies for Varsity home football games (and Spring Hill). We will return to the Middle School for dismissal.
Pep Rallies are typically held on Friday
afternoons at 3:02 in the High School gym. Pep rally procedures are as follows:
● If a student plans on attending the pep rally for AWAY games, the parent MUST send an
attached Pep Rally Pass with the student EACH WEEK. Students without a PASS will stay
in the classroom. Students will NOT be allowed to walk to the pep rally without an adult with
● Students with a pass will be sent to the Fish Pond at 2:30 to be picked up.
● The doors will remain locked until 2:30. Adults will enter through the Middle School doors
and sign their student out in front of the library. Students will give their pass to a staff member
before leaving.
● Students not picked up by 2:50 will be sent back to class.
We will have Middle School Pep Rallies on Thursdays at 3:00 in the New Middle School gym beginning
September 8th. To show our school spirit, we ask that our students wear a White Oak shirt or maroon on
Pep Rally days. Parents are welcome to join us at the gym.